Thursday, July 18, 2013

Bible Study Day 6

Dear J.C.,

It has been a while. Again. To follow he ACTS way of prayer, I want to start out by adoring you. I don't know how you were able to resist temptation so many times, in so many different cases. I know that you are God and was sent down to earth to be an example for us humans. But still, what you did - sacrifice yourself for the common good - was amazing. I adore you, though I feel so ashamed - ashamed by the way I have been acting for the past year. I have not been walking in your light and it is really starting to show! Dear Lord, what do you want me to do? I just feel so lost all the time.

Stay away from Gossip Girl and any other programming that will lead you to turn away from me. Spend your days reading my word, praying, and exercising. I brought you home for a reason and that reason is to reignite that fire I once lit in you three years ago, when you were much weaker than you are now. Now that you are stronger, you have abandoned me. You have gone astray from your roots. Why? Because they were not as firm as you thought they were. You need to strengthen these roots - these ties that you have with me. 

God, J.C., why can I no longer feel your spirit? I crave that sense of oneness that I am capable of having with you.

That sense of oneness is always there for you to have, as long as your heart remains pure, Pray continuously for renewal. Pray for a friend to keep you accountable. Pray that you can act as a "Good Samaritan" and stop seeing difference as a sign for you to disconnect, but an occasion for you to connect. Despite all of these superficial differences - race, class, socioeconomic status - people are one and the same. They were all created in the image of God. 

Design your prayer to make it a habit, standard for all prayers.

1st. Pray that I will quiet your mind and my heart, block all the earthly distractions. 
2nd Remind yourself of how Good I have been to you. (Thanksgiving.) Praise for the positive. 
3rd Pray for delivery from all the negative emotions (anxiety, worry, sadness, depression, anything on your mind) you have been experiencing. 
4th  Confess any sins that have been keeping you from reaping the glory of my kingdom.
5th Pray for yourself and other people.

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